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Set up, PLEK Service & Fret Work
PLEK Service
PLEK Service
Standard PLEK Service
Welcome to the innovative world of precision craftsmanship at Third Coast Guitar, where we proudly introduce the PLEK machine – a revolutionary tool that elevates your guitar-playing experience to new heights. The PLEK machine, a pinnacle of cutting-edge technology, is meticulously designed to bring out the best in your instrument. This state-of-the-art marvel takes precision to a whole new level. Imagine your guitar undergoing a transformation that transcends the boundaries of conventional setups. The PLEK machine employs a proprietary scanning system, mapping the intricacies of your guitar's neck and fretboard with unparalleled accuracy. This detailed analysis ensures a level of precision that traditional methods can only dream of achieving. Once the scan is complete, the PLEK machine seamlessly executes a series of adjustments, delicately addressing any imperfections in the fretwork. Whether it's correcting minor inconsistencies, optimizing string height, or enhancing intonation, the PLEK machine transforms your guitar into a precision-crafted masterpiece.
At Third Coast Guitar, we believe that every musician deserves a playing experience that feels tailored to their unique style. With the PLEK machine, we bring you an instrument that not only meets but exceeds your expectations. We are blown away by the unparalleled playability and exceptional tone this miracle of German engineering brings to the table.
Elevate your guitar playing journey – experience the precision, feel the difference that PLEK can make
Full Set up
Our Full Set-up includes full diagnostics and inspection of the entire instrument, full inspection of all electronics, personalized recommendations for upgrades and improvements, full redress and polish of frets with 7 courses of fine sandpapers and micromesh with a complete high gloss buff on our arbor buffer, cleaning and oiling of fret board, tightening hardware, replacing any needed small parts or screws, restring, adjusting and polishing nut slots, lubricating truss rod nut (if needed), full truss rod adjustment, balancing tremolo or setting tailpiece, adjusting saddle height, setting intonation using even temperament methods, checking electronics, adjusting pick ups, detail polish and cleaning. Electric/acoustics get balance of output, and archtops and mandolins have bridge fitted to the top, located and glued in place.
Fret levels include measuring and precision leveling of frets, recrowning with 4 courses of diamond files and redressing to a high polish.
Fret levels include measuring and precision leveling of frets, recrowning with 4 courses of diamond files and redressing to a high polish.
Standard Guitars
Hard Tails, Les Pauls, Teles, Basic 4-string Basses, Ukulele, Acoustic 6-strings, Classical Acoustics, Stratocaster style guitars, Guitars with Bigsbys, Lapsteels, 7-string electrics, 5-string Basses, Resonators
Other instruments & More complex guitars
Locking Tremolo Guitars (Floyd Rose trems), 12-string guitars, Latin Instruments, 6-string Basses, Banjos, Jaguars & Jazzmasters (Includes shimming neck, teflon taping bridge and thread locking on saddles)
Mandolin or Archtop
Includes cost of fitting bridge to top
Rickenbacker Bass or 6 string guitar
Includes glossing board & double truss rod adjustment
Rickenbacker 12-strings
Includes glossing board & double truss rod adjustment
Steinberger Trans trem
Buzz Feiten Retrofit, most electrics
Set-up included
$29 for blanks
Buzz Feiten Retrofit, most acoustics
Set-up included
$79 for blanks
Restring & Tune
Remove old strings, clean fretboard and polish tops of frets, oil fretboard, tighten loose tuners and hardware, stretch strings, tune to pitch, full truss rod adjustment, adjust any equipped tremolo or tailpiece and polish guitar. Cost of strings is not included.
Standard 6-String, 7-String, Banjo & Ukulele
Classicals, Latin Instruments & Multi-Scaled or Strung Guitars
Floyd Rose Trem Equipped
12-String, Mandolin, Baja Sexto, U Bass
Restring & Adjust
Includes everything in our Restring & Tune plus: light cleaning of hardware, adjust saddle height for proper string action, adjust pickup height and output, adjust intonation (how well the guitar plays in-tune with itself) and more detailed polish of instrument. Cost of strings is not included. THIS IS MOST SHOPS "SETUP"
6-String, 7-String, Banjo & Ukulele
Floyd Rose Trem Equipped
Classicals, Latin Instruments & Mandolins
Add-Ons & Adjustments
Adjust Action or Intonation
Included with set-up
Adjust Truss Rod
Included with set-up
Blocking one side of tremolo
$40 with set-up
Blocking second side of tremolo
$20 with set-up
Filling nut slot
$3 each additional
First included with set-up
Keyholing bridge slots
Requires set-up
Lower nut slots
Included with set-up
Glossing fingerboard
Masking fingerboard
Clean electronics
Included with set-up
Dowel and drill strap button
Lowering nut shelf on Floyd Rose nut
With set-up $25
Strap button install
With set-up $10.00
Shimming neck
With set-up $10 Plus $10-13 for laser cut shim
Shimming side of neck pocket
With set-up $10
Very Dirty Guitar or Rusty/Frozen Hardware
Requires set-up
Removing stickers
With set-up $15-30
Saddle installation for Strat Style
Includes Restring & Tune
With set-up $20
Saddle installation, Gibson style
Includes cutting slots and Restring & Tune
With set-up $30
Tuner mounting, drop in, 6 string
Plus Cost of Restring or Set Up
With Full Set Up $10
Tuner install, with reaming & drilling 6 string
Plus Cost of Restring or Set Up
With Full Set Up $30
12 string tuner install
Plus Cost of Restring or Set Up
With Full Set Up $60
Tuner install, non-dog ears (Sperzels, Schaller, Fender)
Plus Cost of Restring or Set Up
With Full Set Up $45
Pick guard mounting, cutting and shaping required
With set-up $25-$50
Pick guard mounting, LP style, no screws
With set-up $15
Pick guard mounting, Strat style, drop in
With set-up $25
Shimming in strap button
Included with set-up
Custom Pickguards & Inlays
Strat style guard
Plus materials $20-55
LP or Archtop style
Plus materials $20-55
$250 & up
Custom style
$250 & up
Plus materials $20-55
New acoustic pickguard, hand cut and fitted
Plus materials $12-55
Mounting pre cut acoustic pickguard
Including removing old guard and adhesive
Hand made Back or control plate
Inlay fretboard dots, full board (10-12 dots), rosewood
Plus materials $10-35
Inlay Fretboard dots, full board (10-12 dots), maple
Includes Full Touch up of maple board
Plus materials $10-35
Inlay single dot
Each additional $25
Plus materials
Inlay side dots, full board, no touch up needed
Inlay side dots, full board, with touch up
Inlay trapezoid or block inlays, With refret, no binding
Plus materials $65 and up
Includes hand cutting and shaping new fingerboard nut from scratch, and fitting it specifically for each instrument. Some variation in pricing is due to the unexpected difficulty in removing some nuts. It is highly recommended each instrument be set up to ensure optimal playability. Restringing is NOT included. Price excludes cost of blank ($8-15 for high quality bone/synthetic)
With Set up $110
Gibson style, acoustic or fender w/ binding
With Set up $120
12 String
With Set up $200
Fit & adjust Pre-cut Nut
With Set up $45
$15 Upcharge
Hand Made Graphite
$15 Upcharge
$100 Upcharge
Hand Made Brass or Steel
$100 Upcharge
Blanks are $10
$180 Upcharge
5 String Brass Bass Nut
$180 Upcharge
Blanks are $25
With Set up $190
With Set up $65
Adjusting Floyd Rose Nut Shelf
With Set up $25
Install LSR Roller Nut w/rout
With Set up $150
Install Floyd Rose nut w/rout
With Set up $150
Shimming up and Recutting Nut
With Set up $25
Raising Nut Slots
1st three included in cost of Full Set Up
Binding Work
$175-250 1st side
Reglue Loose binding on top, side or back with touch up
This is a very difficult repair and can require lots of touch up to make it work and look good.
$175-250 1st side
Each additional side $125-150
$275 1st side
Repair Binding that is missing, cracked, disintegrating
This is another very time consuming repair. Often, we may recommend refinishing the whole guitar.
$275 1st side
Each additional side $175
Quote only
Replacing binding, on any part of guitar
Quote only
$5000 minimum
Replacing binding on any Vintage Gretsch
$5000 minimum
Guitar Bridge Work
All prices are for 6 strings except where otherwise noted. Add $10-20 extra for 12 strings. Restring is NOT included unless otherwise mentioned.
Acoustic Guitar Bridges
Saddle, hand-crafted bone
High Quality Bone Blank $8
Saddle for 12 string
High Quality Long Bone Blank $10
Bridge remove and reglue, Martin style 6 string
Includes Restring & Adjust Service
Bridge reglue on Polyurethane finished top, 6-string
These are difficult to get off and on, often need touch up.
Includes Restring & Adjust Service
Bridge Reglue on Classical Guitar
Includes Restring & Adjust Service
Plane OR Rout Bridge
Plane and Rout Bridge
Complete Setup is included in cost
New saddle is often needed to complete this repair properly
$450 & up
Build new bridge
Includes new saddle and full set up
$450 & up
Plus Materials $15-50
Fancy Bridges require a quote
Restore Bridge Plate
Maintains Original Bridge Plate
Cap Bridge Plate
Plus Materials $12
Remove & replace bridge plate
Plus Materials $$12
Keyhole Acoustics, 6 string
Sealing cracked bridge, "Jet Glue"
Electric Guitar Bridge
Mounting Bridges During Setup
Drop-in Tune-O-matic or hard tail style
Mount Tele Bridge
Mount new Tremolo
Strat Tremolo or Floyd Rose Style
Mount Bass Bridge
Installing Bridges
Some woodworking, Add cost of Complete Set Up
plugging/drilling holes, plus full setup cost
plugging holes/carving rout, plus full setup cost
Bigsby Install
plus full setup cost
Bigsby Install on Tele
With bridge install, cups, trem, plus full setup cost
mounting, drilling holes through body, plus full setup cost
plugging/drilling holes, plus setup cost
Rout for Tremolo Install
Cost includes disassembly, bridge locating, routing and woodworking, reassembly and full setup.
Strat (no existing trem)
Includes Set up
Evertune Install
Tremolo Style or Tele
Evertune Install
Les Paul or SG Style
Floyd Rose original
No Back Rout, Install Locking Nut, Full Set Up included
Floyd Rose with back rout
Back Rout to Pull Sharp, Install Locking Nut, Full Set Up Included
Guitar Electronics
Minimum Bench fee or diagnosis
Hollow body add-on
$60 first One
Pick up installation
$60 first One
$90 for two pickups: Les Paul Style
$100 for three pickups: Like a Strat!
$90 for Tele Bridge
$100 for Tele Set
Rewind Pickup (Not including install)
Single Coil $120
Humbucker $160
$120 1st
Rout body, Flat top
$120 1st
Each additional $60
$140 1st
Rout Body, Les Paul or Archtop
$140 1st
Each additional $70
$60 1st
Rout Pick Guard
$60 1st
Each additional $30
Install Preamp System in Electric Bass or Guitar
Cost varries on type, size and function
EMG or Fishman Fluence Install
2 pick up, 2 pots, jack & battery $175
3 pick up Strat or Noiseless install $175
Les Paul with 4 pots $250
Acoustic Pick up Install, Undersaddle
With Set up $60
Acoustic Pick up install, K&K
With Set up $60
Acoustic Pick up install, K&K Trinity
With Set up $75
Banjo or Mandolin pick up install
Sound Hole Pick up Install
Ribbon Transducer Install
With Set up $60
Install On-board acoustic pick up system
Clean Electronics
Top load (Strat style)
Clean Electronics
Back Load (LP style)
Replace Pot
Two pots $80
Three pots $120
Four pots $140
Replace Switch, Les Paul style
Replace Switch, Strat style
Push Pull Pot Install
Each additional $40
Tap Switch Install
Each additional $30
Total Rewire
Standard Guitar Wirings
Total rewire
Shield Guitar Cavity, Copper
Plus materials
Shield Guitar Cavity, Paint
Plus materials
Taylor ES1 Retrofit (full), ES1 kit included, no set up and no sales tax
Taylor ES2 Retrofit (full), ES2 kit included, no set up and no sales tax
Wax Potting Pick ups
Does not include uninstall/reinstall
Each additional $20
Install Fernandez Sustainer
Does not include cost of making backplates. Price may vary.
Frets & Fingerboards
hand Fret level & re-crown, Basic 6 String, including full setup
Spot level up to 3 frets including Full Setup
Fret-end File
With Set up $60
Re-humidify and level frets
Seat & Seal all Loose Frets full board Rosewood or Ebony.
Finished fretboards are $50 extra and may require touchup
Re-seat first 5 frets
Each additional $15
PLEK Service including full setup
Heat set Neck
Only guaranteed with refrets
"roll" Fretboard Edges
With Setup $50 . Finished fretboards may be extra
Scallop fretboard, no refinishing
Includes Set up
Starting At $1200
Replace fretboard
Starting At $1200
Includes Full Refret
Replace Fender USA Strat Truss nut
Includes Set up
Partial Re-Frets
Includes fret level, re-crown and set up on 6 string
1 Fret
2 Frets
3 Frets
4 Frets
5 Frets
6 Frets
7 Frets
Add $30
Guitar with Binding
Add $30
Full Re-Frets
Includes PLEK Fingerboard Plane, fret slot slot clean and seal, fretting, PLEK level/crown/polish and a Complete Set up. Material cost $18 per re-fret, $35 for stainless steel or $45 "EVO gold" fret wire. Compound radius can be done at no extra charge.
Unbound rosewood or ebony
Unbound Maple
Bound Rosewood or Ebony
Bound Maple
Bar Fret Refret
Plus materials $75
New nut with re-fret, 6 string
Plus materials $8
New nut with re-fret, 12 string
Plus materials $10
Refinishing fingerboard with re-fret, glossy
Refinishing fingerboard with re-fret, matte
Hand rubbed finish with re-fret
Gun-stock finish
Stainless Steel fret upcharge
Labor only
Plus Materials $35
Does not include cost of materials. Must quote.
$1000 & up
Build, fret and install unbound rosewood or ebony fingerboard
$1000 & up
$1400 & up
Build, fret and install bound rosewood or ebony fingerboard
$1400 & up
$1200 & up
Rebind fretboard, touch up and re-fret
$1200 & up
Mounting neck, no drilling
With Set Up $25-50
Mount Neck, with drilling
With Set Up $75-100
Dowel and drill stripped neck
With Set Up $50
Bolt set cheap acoustic
Great solution for cheaper old guitars!!!
$750 & up
Replace or fix truss rod
Includes Set up
$750 & up
Plus Materials approx. $30
Heat set neck
No maple. Rosewood/Ebony only.
Not a guaranteed repair
Reglue Loose Neck, Celebrity style
Includes Set up. 6 Strings ONLY!!!
Not a guaranteed repair
Neck Resets
Includes Set up and new saddle. Proper playability is not guaranteed without a full refret.
Traditional dovetail, no binding
With Refret $925
Plus Materials
Guild, Gibson Acoustic or touch up required, no binding
With Refret $1125
Plus Materials
Taylor (pre NT) or other bolt-on, no binding
With Refret $725
Taylor NT neck reset
Plus Set up AddOn cost
Les Paul
Includes touch up and set up
With Refret $1275
Plus Materials
$850 and up
Hollowbodies (Gibson ES style) or Archtops
Includes set up and touch up
$850 and up
With Refret $1100
Plus Materials
Any guitar with binding add
Cracks & Structural
Headstocks and top cracks. Guitars with multiple cracks will be done at a discounted rate per crack. -25% per each additional crack.
CA seal crack, up to 3"
No Finish Touch Up, Only Wet-sand & Buff
CA Seal Crack, up to 6"
No Finish Touch Up, Only Wet-sand & Buff
Repair Crack, up to 3"
With Finish Touch Up, Wet-sand & Buff
Plus Materials ($8)
Repair Crack, up to 6"
With Finish Touch Up, Wet-sand & Buff
Plus Materials ($10)
Splint Crack, up to 6"
With Crack Clean-Up, Wood Inlay, Color Match, Finish Touch Up, Wet-sand & Buff
Plus Materials ($10-15)
Seal Cracked Bridge (Jet Glue)
Headstock Reglue, no touch up
Includes Complete Set Up
Headstock Off, no rebuild required
Includes Complete Set Up
$450 & up
Headstock with Expert Touch up
$450 & up
Includes Complete Set Up
Plus Materials ($10)
$750 & up
Rebuilding Headstock
$750 & up
Includes Complete Set Up
Plus Materials ($20 and up)
$60 First one
Loose Brace Reglue
$60 First one
Each additional $45
$75 & up
Off Brace Reglue
$75 & up
$80-100 Each
Brace, Build and Replace
$80-100 Each
$400 Minimum
Remove back for repair
$400 Minimum
Includes back reinstall and complete touchup
Paint & Touch-up
Finish repairs are the hardest to price. All prices are subject to change. Each touch up must be evaluated by a tech at the Production Shop. Please allow 6-8 weeks minimum for all finish repairs and minimum 90-120 days for refinishes.
Buffing, Wet Sanding & Polishing
Buffing Out Top, Acoustic
Buffing Out Top, Electric
Includes disassembly and reassembly of top
Buffing Out Whole Guitar, Acoustic
Buffing out whole guitar, bolt-on electric
whole set neck guitar 200
Wet sand and buff out top, acoustic
Wet sand and buff out top, electric
Wet sand and buff out whole guitar, acoustic
Wet sand and buff out whole guitar, electric
Touch-Up & Partial Finishing
Touch up
Air brush touch-up includes filling in body damage, sealing up finish, color matching, airbrushing, clear coat, and wetsand/buff whole effected area
$150 & up
Drop Fill
$150 & up
$75 & up
CA Touch-Up
$75 & up
$250 & up
Spray clear over signature
$250 & up
Refinish neck
No set up, post removal
$400 & up
Refinish top
Clear or standard color. Not including bridge removal on acoustics
$400 & up
Refinish top on Martin
Or similar (requiring neck, bridge and pick guard remove/reinstall)
$300 & up
Refinish side
$300 & up
$300 & up
Refinish Back
$300 & up
$150 & up
Refinish Headstock
$150 & up
Plus Materials
Re-decal headstock, Fender style
$300 & Up
Fender Custom Color Faceplate Matching
With color matching and re-decal
$300 & Up
Plus Material and Decal Cost
$100 & Up
Clear over headstock
$100 & Up
Total Refinish
Includes sanding and color. Price includes cost of Restring & Adjust. Full set up add $50. Any custom paint must be paid in full $35-75. Standard in-stock colors are $30 per guitar.
Add $200
Remove Polyurethane paint
Add $200
Add $75
Add $75
Add $75
White finish
Difficult to do right!
Add $75
Add $400
Candy Colors
Add $400
Add $150
Add $150
Add $75
With binding and color on Neck
Add $75
Add $100
With body binding and color, per side
Add $100
$750 and up
Bolt-on, Fender style Body Nitro or Poly
Standard color, body only
$750 and up
Neck and Body $950 and up
Plus Materials
Set-neck body and neck
SG or like, no binding
Plus Materials
Set-neck with binding on body and neck
Les Paul Standard, No Burst
Martin or similar guitars
Requiring neck, bridge and pick guard remove & reinstall
Acoustic Refinish
Requiring bridge and pickguard removal & reinstall
$150 & up
Custom "aging" job
$150 & up
Clear Coat, Glossy
Over body only
Clear Coat, Matte
Over body only
Parker Work
Parkers take a special know how to do properly
Full Set up, with Fretboard mask
Full Set up, with Fret level and Fretboard mask
Seat, Seal and Level all Frets w/full Set up
Replace fret or reseat completely loose fret, Add $25 each fret
Replace Parker top nut
Replace Parker Jack with Ribbon cable mod
Minimum Electronics bench fee
Replace original Parker ribbon assembly
With Ghost AcoustiPhonic System
Install Full Midi Hexpander complement
With Ghost Hex+AcoustiPhonic System
Parker Ghost Parts
New Switchcraft Smart jack
AcoustiPhonic Kit
With volume and Quick Switch, 3 new pots for magnetics and master volume
Hexpander and AcoustiPhonic Kit
With Quick Switch, MMD Mini Selector, Acoustic Volume, Midi Volume and 3 new pots for magnetics and master volume
Ghost Graphtech Parker Saddle set
3 Position Toggle